
The exact grammar can be read from the source code at grammar.pest. Because it is a functional language it consists only of expressions, no statements.

It supports

  • groups for precedence ((...)),
  • binary and unary operators (and, not, !, etc.),
  • functions (func(a, b, c)),
  • patterns (r:^foo),
  • and basic data types like strings ("...", '...') and numbers (1, 1_000).


The following operators are available:

infix1union| , orIncludes all tests which are in either the left OR right test set expression.
infix1difference~, diffIncludes all tests which are in the left but NOT in the right test set expression.
infix2intersection&, andIncludes all tests which are in both the left AND right test set expression.
infix3symmetric difference^, xorIncludes all tests which are in either the left OR right test set expression, but NOT in both.
prefix4complement!, notIncludes all tests which are NOT in the test set expression.

Be aware of precedence when combining different operators, higher precedence means operators bind more strongly, e.g. not a and b is (not a) and b, not not (a and b) because not has a higher precedence than and. Binary operators are left associative, e.g. a ~ b ~ c is (a ~ b) ~ c, not a ~ (b ~ c). When in doubt, use parentheses to force the precedence of expressions.