Built-in Test Sets


The following constants are available, they can be written out in place of any expression.

noneIncludes no tests.
allIncludes all tests.
ignoredIncludes tests with an ignored annotation
compile-onlyIncludes tests without references.
ephemeralIncludes tests with ephemeral references.
persistentIncludes tests with persistent references.
defaultA shorthand for !ignored, this is used as a default if no test set is passed.


The following functions operate on identifiers using matchers.

idid(=mod/name)Includes tests who's full identifier matches the pattern.
modmod(/regex/)Includes tests who's module matches the pattern.
namename(~foo)Includes tests who's name matches the pattern.
customcustom(foo)Includes tests with have a custom annotation and the given identifier.


Matchers are patterns which are checked against identifiers.

=exact=mod/nameMatches by comparing the identifier exactly to the given term.
~contains~plotMatches by checking if the given term is contained in the identifier.
/regex//mod-[234]\/.*/Matches using the given regex, literal slashes / and backslashes \ must be escaped using a back slash \\.