
typst-test is a command line program, it can be run by simply invoking it in your favorite shell and passing the appropriate arguments.

If you open a shell in the folder project and typst-test is at project/bin/typst-test, then you can run it using ./project/bin/typst-test. Placing it directly in your project is most likely not what you will do, or want to do. You should install it to a directory which is contained in your PATH, allowing you to simply run it using typst-test directly. How to add such folders to your PATH depends on your operating system, but if you installed typst-test using one of the recommended methods in Installation, then such a folder should be chosen for you.

For the remainder of this document tt is used in favor of typst-test whenever a command line example is shown. When you see an example such as

tt run -e 'name(~id)'

it is meant to be run as

typst-test run -e 'name(~id)'

You can also define an alias of the same name to make typing it easier.

typst-test requires a certain project structure to work, if you want to start testing your project's code, you can create an example test and the required directory structure using the init command.

tt init

This will create the default example to give you a grasp at where tests are located, and how they are structured. typs-test will look for the project root by checking for directories containing a typst.toml manifest file. This is because typst-test is primarily aimed at developers of packages, if you want to use a different project root, or don't have a typst-manifest you can provide the root directory using the --root like so.

tt init --root ./path/to/root/

Keep in mind that you must pass this option to every command that operates on a project. Alternatively the TYPST_ROOT environment variable can be set to the project root.

Further examples assume the existence of a manifest, or the TYPST_ROOT variable being set If you're just following along and don't have a package to test this with, you can use an empty project with the following manifest:

name = "foo"
description = "A fancy Typst package!"
authors = ["John Doe"]
license = "MIT"

entrypoint = "src/lib.typ"
version = "0.1.0"

Once the project is initialized, you can run the example test to see that everything works.

tt run example

You should see something along the lines of

Running tests
        ok example

  1 / 1 passed.

Let's edit the test to actually do something, the default example test can be found in <project>/tests/example/ and simply contains Hello World. Write something else in there and see what happens

-Hello World
+Typst is Great!

Once we run typst-test again we'll see that the test no longer passes:

Running tests
    failed example
           Page 1 had 1292 deviations
           hint: Diff images have been saved at '<project>/tests/example/diff'

  0 / 1 passed.

typst-test has compared the reference output from the original Hello World document to the new document and determined that they don't match. It also told you where you can inspect the difference, the <project>/test/example contains a diff directory. You can take a look to see what changed, you can also take a look at the out and ref directories, these contain the output of the current test and the expected reference output respectively.

Well, but this wasn't a mistake, this was a deliberate change. So, let's update the references to reflect that and try again. For this we use the appropriately named update command:

tt update example

You should see output similar to

Updating tests
   updated example

  1 / 1 updated.

and the test should once again pass.