Watching for Changes

typst-test does not currently support a watch sub command the same way typst does. However, you can work around this by using watchexec or an equivalent tool which re-runs typst-test whenever a file in your project changes.

Let's look at a concrete example with watchexec. Navigate to your project root directory, i.e. that whhich contains your typst.toml manifest and run:

watchexec \
  --watch . \
  --clear \
  --ignore 'tests/**/diff/**' \
  --ignore 'tests/**/out/**' \
  --ignore 'tests/**/ref/**' \
  "tt run"

Of course a shell alias or task runner definition makes this more convenient. While this is running, any change to a file in your project which is not excluded by the patterns proivided using the --ignore flag will trigger a re-run of tt run.

If you have other files youmay edit which don't influence the outcome of your test suite, then you should ignore them too.

Keep in mind that tt run, will run all on every change, so this may not be appropriate for you if you have a large test suite.