Watching for Changes
does not currently support a "watch" command, which is common in this sort of tooling.
This is due to some of the complexity in how it uses the core Typst libraries.
However, you may workaround this by using watchexec
To begin, install it following the installation instructions in its README.
Then, run a command like this in your package root directory, which is the same directory with your typst.toml
watchexec \
--watch . \
--clear \
--ignore 'tests/**/diff/**' \
--ignore 'tests/**/out/**' \
"typst-test r"
You may create an alias in your shell to make it more convenient:
alias ttw="watchexec --watch . --clear --ignore 'tests/**/diff/**' --ignore 'tests/**/out/**' 'typst-test r'"
This will automatically run typst-test r
whenever any file changes other than those in your tests' {diff,out}
The command we're using here, using
typst-test r
, runs all tests anytime any file changes. If you want different behavior, you need to modify the command appropriately. -
Although unlikely, if your tests change any files in your package source tree, you may need to include them as additional
--ignore <glob>
patterns to the command.